Lebanon (961) 76 377 376 | info@advancedbmi.com

Second two weeks diet after weight loss surgery for Lebanon

Phase Two: Purée and mashed food

Allowed Food:

  • Food allowed during the previous phase
  • Tea and coffee (limit to 1 or 2 per day)
  • Labneh 0% fat
  • Soft cheese: double crème, picon light, presilege, president, sylphide
  • Pureed vegetables: zucchini, carrots… (baba ghannouj is ok)
  • Pureed proteins: 60g of fish fillet. Add low fat sauces, tomato- based sauces or broths to moisten your proteins
  • Pureed legumes: chickpeas or lentils (hommous bet7ineh is ok)
  • Milk 0% fat with sweetener (avoid it if you face bloating or gas)
  • Pureed boiled eggs

Not allowed Food:

  • Pureed potatoes, peas, corn
  • Fruit juices
  • Regular and diet soft drinks
  • Fizzy water
  • Alcohol
  • Pepper and spicy food to avoid heartburn
  • Any other food not stated before is not allowed


Your stomach can hold only half a cup of food. To reach your desired weight loss goal, to prevent enlargement of your stomach and to prevent abdominal pain and vomiting, follow these recommendations:

  1. Eat regularly, several small meals(ex: 3 small meals and 2 snacks)
  2. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly: take 20 to 30min for each meal
  3. Stop eating as soon as you feel full
  4. Avoid very cold or hot food to prevent nausea
  5. Do not lie down after eating to avoid reflux
  6. Try one food at a time, this way if a certain food is not well-tolerated you will know which food was the cause
  7. Take small sips of water frequently to prevent dehydration and constipation: 6-8 cups of water per day, ¼- ½ cup per hour (don’t use straws)
  8. Do not drink while eating: take liquids 15-30 min before your meals and 45-60 minutes after your meals
  9. Crush your medications before taking them (pain killers, vitamins) and mix them with your food (some medications must not be crushed, talk to your doctor)
  10. Start exercise such as walking at least 30 minutes per day

These menus must be followed as precisely as possible, particularly in the first two weeks. Failure to do so could result in the bursting of your new gastric pouch. This could lead to very serious complications, and potentially even death from infection!

From Your Journey Out of Obesity – Second two weeks diet after weight loss surgery – Author Dr Nagi Safa

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