Lebanon (961) 76 377 376 | info@advancedbmi.com

In this page you will find the Weight Loss Surgery Frequently Asked Questions that Dr Safa has to answer most of the time in the office.

Am I Eligible for Bariatric Surgery?

If you have a BMI that is higher than 30, you may be considered eligible for weight loss surgery in Lebanon. This is because if your BMI reads 30 or above, you are obese and are more at risk of developing obesity related conditions. If you think could be eligible for this surgery, do contact us; we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you are not sure, you can also fill out this form and our doctors here at Advanced BMI will help you determine your eligibility.


How long will I stay in hospital after Surgery?

All our surgeries are performed at Advanced BMI, here in Beirut. Average surgical time is around 2 hours but it can be less than that; depending on the type of weight loss surgery. For lab-band (gastric-band) and gastric bypass, patients can be able to walk a few hours after the procedure. The longest you may stay in hospital is 48 hours but with some surgeries, you can be able to go home the same day.


How Long is the Recovery Time after a Bariatric Surgery?

Most surgical patients fully recover and are able to go back to work within a month after surgery. With simpler procedures, they can be able to report back to work in two weeks post-surgery. You may need to rest within the first two weeks and eat soft food so you can recover your energy first.


When should I Start Exercising After Surgery?

This is one of the most common Weight Loss Surgery Frequently Asked Questions, due to the huge concern that patients have about sagging skin following weight loss.  You can begin exercising as soon as possible but it is advisable to begin with simple exercises like for a few weeks after surgery. Most patients report that they did not feel that pain was severe after surgery and they only took pain medication for three or four days post-surgery. Listen to your body; if you still feel pain, relax and rest.

However, you should avoid exercises that involve getting into water or lifting heavy objects for at least six weeks after surgery.


Must I take Supplements Post-surgery?

Yes. Our nutritionist will advise you on the dietary requirements and supplements you need before and after the surgery. You will have to take vitamin and mineral supplements for life to avoid any nutritional deficiencies. You will also need regular lab checks from time to time.


Does Bariatric Surgery Really Cure Diabetes?

Yes. Bariatric surgery has proven very effective in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes in obese diabetics. Research shows that almost 80 % of diabetic cases are resolved after a weight loss surgery. Majority of Type 2diabetes and high blood pressure patients experience remission or significant improvements in their conditions. If you suffer from diabetes or HPB, you may no longer need to use medication after bariatric surgery.


Will I get pregnant after a weight-loss surgery?

Yes. In fact, obese women of child-bearing age who undergo bariatric surgery become more fertile after the surgery. Obesity often causes serious pregnancy issues including preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, miscarriage, still birth just to name a few. Women are however advised to wait 1 year or 1 ½ years before getting pregnant.


Is Bariatric Surgery a Long-Term Weight Solution?

Yes. Research shows that obese patients who undergo weight loss surgeries tend to lose more weight as compared to those who use non-surgical methods. They are also able to sustain this weight-loss long-term. It is however recommended that patients stick to the prescribed diet and exercise regularly in order to manage their weight.


Must I Have Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss to Correct Sagging Skin?

This depends on various factors including the age of the patient and the amount of weight lost. However, the sagging skin is very temporary and with laparoscopy (a new technology now commonly used in bariatric surgeries), scaring is very minimal. Most patients don’t require plastic surgery after undergoing a weight-loss surgery.


Is it Possible to Gain Weight after Surgery?

Studies show that some patients may regain a little weight (around 5% of the weight they lost) two or more years after their surgery.  However, research also shows that most patients maintain their weight-loss long term.


Will I Experience Hair Loss after a Weight-Loss Surgery?

Yes, you may experience temporary hair loss for 3 to 6 months after a bariatric surgery. What causes this hair loss is not yet fully understood. Taking sufficient nutrients and supplements as advised by the nutritionist will help you re-grow your hair faster.


One of the common Weight Loss Surgery Frequently Asked Questions: Can I Continue Taking Alcohol after Surgery?

It is advisable to go slow on alcohol intake after surgery. Some patients develop alcohol issues after weight-loss but research shows that a majority of surgical patients who develop alcoholism after have had issues with alcohol prior to the surgery.


If you have any further questions that we may not have covered, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to be of help.
