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Obesity and heart disease

Obesity and heart disease

There is numerous heart disease, which are associated with obesity.

Obesity is a key factor behind the incidence of the most serious heart disease, which claims your life quickly after suffering with terrible pain, either directly or indirectly through high LDL cholesterol in the blood, as well as the high levels of sugar in the blood, in addition to high blood pressure and much more. In the following article, we are going to discuss the types of heart disease, which could be caused by overweight and obesity.


Excessive fat, overweight, obesity and heart disease.


1- Obesity and arterial heart disease:

Until recently, obesity was seen as a secondary cause of heart disease. It was considered as a cause of many risks directly affecting the heart, such as high cholesterol and fat or high blood pressure, and high levels of insulin in the blood, which as a result can cause the coronary (arterial heart) disease. Recently, many studies stated that the increase in the body mass index, caused by overweight or obesity, are deeply linked to the coronary heart disease, specially arteriosclerosis.

The increased level of fat and cholesterol in the body leads to the deposition of fatty layers on the arteries of the heart. This could decrease the amount of blood flowing to the heart through the narrow arteries. This is called atherosclerosis and can provoke heart clots.


2- Congestive heart failure disease:

Obesity often cause a hypertrophy of the left ventricle. It is a common disease for most obese people. In addition, to some extent it is linked to high blood pressure, which leads to an increase in blood pumping from the heart. With time, this will initiate a progressive weakness in the heart muscle and this pump will be unable to perform its mission properly.


3- Heart and diabetes disease:

Scientists recently stated that overweight and obesity lead to high blood pressure, and fat accumulation in the blood. This will make the insulin role more difficult to accomplish, and most of the insulin will be inefficient (insulin resistance). The body needs the insulin to process the metabolism of sugar, which is the main energy source in the body. If the body has not been able to use insulin efficiently, then it increases the risk of diabetes, which is a major factor for the increasing of heart disease. Statistics showed that 58% of diabetes and 21% of heart diseases are directly related with a body mass index (BMI) over 21.


Now we know that the problem of obesity is not just a huge weight, heavy and slow body, but rather it is a fundamental problem and could carry dangerous health risks, that will increase mortality in a significant way.

Author Info

Dr Nagi Safa

Dr Nagi Safa is a Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeon (Weight-Loss Surgeon) at the Advanced BMI in Lebanon and at the Sacred Heart Hospital of Montreal, and holds an academic appointment at the University of Montreal. Furthermore, he is involved in the training of residents and surgical fellows on how to perform advanced laparoscopic obesity surgery. In 2010, he launched the Advanced Bariatric and Metabolic Institute (Advanced BMI) in Lebanon, and has been helping hundreds of patients from all over the Middle-East through his expertise in obesity surgery. Education: Dr Safa completed his residency training at the University of Montreal General Surgery Program. He then performed a fellowship in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, and Minimal Invasive Surgery (Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery), at the Sacred Heart Hospital of Montreal, which is the largest Weight Loss Surgery center in the Montreal area, and one of the busiest in Canada. Experience: During his training, and throughout his practice, Dr Safa performed more than one thousand laparoscopic procedures, including Roux en Y gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric banding, gastric plication and many other abdominal surgery procedures. He has a particular interest in LaparoscopicRevisional Surgery including banding, bypass and sleeve. With a keen interest in the advancement of obesity surgery and newer minimally invasive surgical techniques, Dr Safa gained experience in the single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS), and offers Single Incision gastric banding and Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery. Research: His current research interests include clinical outcomes from various bariatric surgery procedures and investigations on the impact of bariatric surgery on Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome X. Memberships: Dr Safa holds professional memberships with the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons, Canadian Association of General Surgeons, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Association for Surgical Oncology, Quebec Medical Association, Trauma Association of Canada, Association Quebecoise de Chirurgie, International College of Surgeon, and the College des Medecins du Quebec.