What is Obesity? Obesity is being severely overweight, it is measured by the body...
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Bariatric Surgery Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease for Teenagers There are so many...
Bariatric Surgery Alone Won’t Be Enough to Stop Weight Regain Most people think that...
What is obesity? Obesity is now considered a disease. Obesity may lead the human...
Heart burn and acid reflux affects many people irrespective of age. While people use...
السؤال الأبدي هو المقارنة بين تكميم المعدة و تحويل مسار المعدة (الالتفافية)؛ إذا كنت...
هل جراحة انقاص الوزن هي خيار للمرضى كبار السن؟ السمنة المفرطة عند المرضى كبار...
What is the Difference and what is the best option for me? Because of...
According to statistics, at least one in three people is trying or has tried...
Some people are able to keep track of their weight. They work out and...