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Victoza for Weight Loss - does it work - Advanced BMI Lebanon

Victoza for Weight Loss: does it work?

Also known as Liraglutide (its active ingredient), Victoza is a drug that was predominantly designed to treat and manage Type 2 diabetes. It is very effective in controlling blood sugar and regulating how much insulin is produced by the pancreas.

Although Victoza is primarily a medication for diabetes, it is very popular among obese people and people struggling with chronic weight management issues because one of its most favorable side effects is weight loss. This drug, which is manufactured by a pharmaceutical company known as Novo Nordisk, was approved by the FDA in 2010. It is available in Lebanon, and it is used by many specialists to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Victoza and Saxenda

Both Saxenda are Victoza are liraglutides manufactured by the same pharmaceutical company, Novo Nordisk. Although both drugs are now used by people to manage weight loss, only Saxenda was primarily developed for this purpose. Victoza however became associated with weight loss when many Type 2 diabetics who were put on this medication reported significant weight loss after using the drug. Sanxeda is not available in Lebanon yet, neither in the Middle East. Recent approaches has been conducted by the mother company to introduce it to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Saxenda and Victoza are similar drugs in many ways including the fact that both are injected daily. Saxenda is even available in lower doses as Victoza.

Controversy Surrounding Victoza

Victoza has become very popular for treatment of type 2 diabetes. This is especially so seeing that more than 90 % of people living with this type of diabetes are also struggling with obesity and weight loss. Studies have shown that liraglutide is very effective for weight loss, and because of this, many obese people, even those who do not have type 2 diabetes, use liraglutide for obesity treatment and to manage weight loss.

However, the drug has not been without controversy. Although it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2010, many groups and interested parties have argued that it should be recalled from the market because of serious side effects and others have even filed lawsuits on the same. Below are some of the many controversies that have surrounded it.
Even a week before it was approved by FDA in January 2010, there were arguments that the drug should not be approved. One FDA clinical reviewer, Dr. Karen Mahoney and two FDA pharmacologist reviewers were among those who were against its approval at the time. The clinical safety reviewer cited significant doubt regarding serious risk concerns of the drug.

Law Suits

A petition was filed by Public Citizen in April 2012 demanding that the drug be removed and recalled from the market because it was said to allegedly put the lives of patients at risk of developing Thyroid cancer, Kidney failure and pancreatitis.

The notion that Victoza could cause thyroid cancer in humans is as a result of studies carried out which shows that both male and female mice and rats that were exposed to the drug developed thyroid tumors. However, this has not been proven in humans.

Reality about Victoza

It is an Effective Medication for Type 2 Diabetes

This drug has been very successful in the treatment and management of type 2 diabetes. Many doctors and physicians have been increasingly prescribing Victoza to many patients with Type 2 diabetes. Although it is true that Victoza has side effects, there is no known drug which is completely devoid of side effects.

It has been approved by FDA

Victoza has been used to treat diabetes and to manage weight loss in obese people since its approval in 2010. Despite the continued reviews and the many controversies surrounding it, this drug has never been recalled from the market and is still being widely used by many patients in the United States and in many other countries.

It Causes Weight Loss

Although Novo Nordisk neither markets it as such nor labels it as one of the favorable side effects of Victoza, many people, diabetics and non-diabetics have attested to the ability of the drug to aid in weight loss. Many researches have also proven that liraglutide, which is the most active ingredient of Victoza is effective in causing weight loss.

FDA Approval of Saxenda

Saxenda (liraglutide) is a drug that was primarily introduced by Novo Nordisk as medication for chronic weight management in obese people. It was approved by FDA in 2012 and it continues to be used by people with obesity and those with weight related issues such as high blood pressure.
