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What You Need to Know before Weight-loss Surgeries

What You Need to Know before Weight-loss Surgeries

Know Your Options

When most people hear about Weight-loss Surgeries, they normally do not consider that there are different types of surgical procedures that are suitable for different patients. Before you make this huge step into your weight loss journey, it is important to do as much research as you can about the different types of weight loss surgeries available.

This way, you will be able to get as much information as you can about what kind of Weight-loss Surgery will be most suitable for you.

It is also important to know that bariatric surgery isn’t just something that you can wake up one morning and decide to have performed in order to lose those few extra pounds or kilos. There are guidelines that determine whether or not you qualify for the surgery.


Choosing Your Bariatric Surgeon

One of the most important decisions you will need to make is choosing the right bariatric surgeon to perform the surgery. You definitely do not want to end up with a quack who is only interested in making money. You want to choose a qualified and experienced bariatric surgeon and a reputable facility to do perform the surgery.

This way, you will avoid many issues that may otherwise arise from unprofessional surgical practices.

Please do not opt for the cheapest kind in Weight-loss Surgeries you can get just to save some cash. Chances are; you will end up having the procedure done unprofessionally. Your surgery may not be very effective if performed by an inexperienced or unqualified surgeon.

However, the biggest risk is that you may end up with serious medical problems that could compromise your health.



Ask Questions

Once you have chosen the weight loss surgeon to perform the procedure, get to know the entire team that will be involved in the surgery. Ask as many questions as you can before the surgery. This will keep you informed and you will know what to expect at every stage before and after the Weight-loss Surgeries.

Studies show that patients with lower anxiety react well to anesthesia and treatment and also recover faster after surgery.


Keep in Mind That Weight-loss Varies

Weight-loss Surgeries allows obese and overweight patients to lose a significant amount of their excess weight. However, Weight loss surgeries does provide the same weight loss results for all patients who opt for surgery.

While some patients will lose weight quickly after getting the surgery done, others will experience gradual weight loss. So don’t expect your weight loss journey to be exactly the same as that of your friend’s or someone else you know who has undergone bariatric surgery.

Exercise and stick to the diet prescribed by your bariatric surgeon and nutritionist and be patient. In time, you will begin to experience weight loss.


Schedule Recovery Time

Like with any other surgery, you will need to schedule some time to recover and regain your strength. The amount of recovery time needed will usually depend on the type of weight loss surgery you choose and may also vary from patient to patient. You may need to schedule two to five weeks recovery time.

Once you have decided on the type of Weight-loss Surgery you want, talk to your surgeon so that you can know how much time you should take off work. This will help you plan ahead and facilitate a smoother recovery process.


Understand the Lifestyle Changes and Strict Diet You Will Need Post- Weight-Loss Surgery

If you think bariatric surgery is an easy way out, think again. For a weight loss surgery to be effective, you will need to make serious dietary and lifestyle changes to enable you lose the weigh faster and to ensure that the weight lost does not come back.

Bariatric surgery is a life-long commitment that requires patients to make permanent lifestyle changes.

The first and most difficult changes patients will need to make post-surgery is in their food choices and eating habits. Bariatric surgery works by altering the size of the stomach to hold significantly smaller food portions and by changing the digestion and absorption process.

Patients are put on a strict diet after the surgery to ensure that they only eat food portions that their stomachs can accommodate. The diets must also be rich in vitamins, proteins, fiber and other nutrients in order to ensure that the body still gets enough vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in spite of the restricted diet.

It is very important to ensure that you stick to the recommended diet after surgery in order to get the optimum nutrition that your body requires post-surgery.

Bariatric surgeons and obesity experts recommend that patients begin to exercise as soon as they can after the surgery. The key is in listening to your body. Take it slow at first until your wounds have completely healed then exercise for at least an hour each day.


Need to know more about weight-loss surgeries?

If you would like to get more information about obesity and or bariatric surgery, contact us today. We will be happy to answer your questions and hopefully help you begin your journey into a lighter and healthier life.

Author Info

Pamela Safi
